星期六, 5月 06, 2006

Joseph D Grant County Park

Date: 05/06/06
Park: Grant County Park, San Jose, CA
Condition: Warm and nice
Start time: About 2PM
Length: About 4.5 hours
Hiker: JC, Maria and Sarah
Trail: http://www.bahiker.com/southbayhikes/grant.html
Pictures: http://jc-studios.smugmug.com/gallery/1435755
Views: San Jose, Bay Area and Lick Observatory. We walked by Grant lake and did not go to Bass Lake. There are some waterfalls along the way. Animals and birds include: Eagle or some kind of hawk, plenty of unamed bird, red winged black bird, rabbit, squarrel, turkey like bird. Dragonfly, butterfly, ants, and an insect that looks like wingless bee. We heard some frogs jumping into the water and tadpole in the lake. We saw some fishermen at Grant Lake. There are plenty of wild flowers, red, yellow, violet color. It is breezy so it does not feel very hot. Sarah is getting近朱者赤近「麥」者黑。Hopefully we do not give her bad influence. The sign postings are very confusing, we got lost and hike an extra mile. All in all, it is a nice hike and it has climbs but not too bad for old person like me.
