星期六, 5月 13, 2006

Baylands Park

Date: 05/13/06
Park: Baylands Park, Sunnyvale, CA
Condition: Hot but breezy
Start time: About 2:30 PM
Length: About 4 hours
Biker: JC, Maria
Trail: Ad-hoc
Pictures: http://jc-studios.smugmug.com/gallery/1456619
Views: Moffett Field, East Bay, Dumbarton Bridge, Hwy 237. We even saw some sort of Rader tower at the trail. Animals and birds include: Eagle or some kind of hawk, red winged black bird, slits, white goose, Candian goose, ducks, gooselings, ducklings, humming bird and some unknown bird that sings beautifully. As we are backtracing our trail, we saw a very long snake in the middle of the trail, it was enjoying the late afternoon sun just like us. It was not scared and we stayed there a watch it for a long time. We did not go too close and use a binocular to watch it. It is slithering its tongue all the time. We saw a much smaller one just a little bit futher. We park outside the park so we saved $5 and bike into the park. We even got a nice shady spot for the car. Thank you Lord for this memoriable trip. I even dreamt of the snake that it finally coiled up on the side. Hahaha....
