Date: 10/18/08
Park: Pinnacles National Monument
Hikers: Sarah, Monica, Maria, CY, Matthew, Edward, Vivian, JC
Trail: Moses Spring–Rim Trail Loop + Condor Gulch–High Peaks Loop
Length: 5.5 hrs 6.1 miles + hike to the other parking lot
Start time: around 1:00PM
Condition: Sunny and hot
Views: Strange rock formation, rock climbing, cave, nice lake, stinky springs =P. We saw 3 deers. Parking is tight, there is no space at the Bear Gulch area. So we split into 2 groups. Group 1 had a headstart. Group 2 will catch up. The trail is quiet exposed in the beginning and most of us almost ran out of water. Group 2 caught up at almost 2 hours into the hike. They were so fast. These old legs and old shoulders of mine held up and successfully finished the hike w/o any incident and on time. Thank God and thanks everyone that waited for this slow snail....
星期日, 10月 19, 2008
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