星期二, 6月 21, 2005

Don Edwards

Park:Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge, Alviso, CA
Condition: Sunny and Windy
Start time: Around 6:30PM
Length: About 2 hrs
Hikers: Me and Maria
Pictures: http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2124910630&code=16724418&mode=invite&DCMP=isc-email-AlbumInvite
Specifics Views: Bay Area views of Eastbay. Sunset views, sparkling waters, reflections.
Animals include: bunny and family, long legged bird that does not swim, long legged bird that swims. Black bird with red dot.
Plants include: The tasty Pickleweed.
The wind is gusty and it got so cold that we did not wait till the sun is fully set before we leave.
