星期一, 10月 17, 2005

Rancho San Antonio

Park: Rancho San Antonio, Los Altos, CA
Condition: Cool and cloudy day
Start time: 2:15PM
Length: About 2.5 hrs
Hikers: Me and Maria
Pictures: http://jc-studios.smugmug.com/gallery/999901/1/46250821
Specifics Views: Usual San Antonio View, Mountain View, Moffett etc.
Animals include: Tarantula
Plants include: Some yellow leaves but not enough fall colors
We took the same trail we usually takes but in the reverse direction. There is a Ohlone days fair but it was $10 per person so we did not go. Parts of the trail is covered by fallen brown and yellow leaves. It was quite pretty. A creek with very little water flows by the trail. Maria said the bystanders tell a horror story about the Tarantula crawling on my back and poison me.

星期二, 10月 11, 2005

Castle Rock

Park: Castle Rock State Park, Saratoga, CA
Condition: Quite Cool
Start time: 3:00PM
Length: About 3 hrs
Hikers: Me and Maria
Pictures: Did not take any this time
Specifics Views: Sunny day but quite foggy. Can't tell what we saw far away. We are above the fog
Animals include: Not much, may be approaching fall?
Plants include: Plenty of flowers and plants. I was expecting to see some fall colors but I didn't. Parts of the trail is covered by fallen leaves which are yellow. The rocks seems not easy to scramble over either. There is hope for a better view next time.